Mini Sevens Tuesday 26th Nov 2024-2025   18/11/2024


Mini Sevens Boys/girls Hurling & Camogie

Photos available on this link -->>Allianz INTO mini sevens Hurling & Camogie 

Camogie: 1st Lauren Kelleher, Aghabullogue. 2nd Saoirse o Farrell, Conna.   3rd. Aoibh McCarthy, Sc Mairtin Kilworth

Football:  1st Ben O Riordan, Aghabullogue.  2nd Jack Morrison, Clondulane.  3rd  Bryan O Shaughnessy, St Anthonys 

Mini Sevens Boys/girls football

Photos available on this link -->>  Click Here  Allianz INTO Football photos

Girls football  1st Eva O Connor Cloghroe NS, 2nd Bláthaid Ní Mhocháin, Sc Lachtain Naofa, 3rd Aoife Bennett, Dromore NS

Boys Football 1st Cormac Burke, St Josephs the Mardyke, 2nd Sean Hurley, GS Dr Uí Shuilleabháin, 3rd Henry O hEigearthaigh  GS Bheanntraí.

Boys Football / Girls Football Skills will be on Tuesday 26th November 2024 in Páirc Uí Chaoimh

Girls competition starts at 9.30am and boys at 11.30am 

Please forward this email to person in charge of Sciath na Scol activities.

Hurling/Camogie Skills to be held in early 2025. Keep an eye on email for details

Each year 240 children are selected to play in Croke Park in the colours of the competing senior teams in front of huge attendances. For the children who are selected it is a very proud and memorable occasion. Some of the children who have played in the mini sevens have gone on to represent their county in many competitions.

The mini sevens is structured so that every county will be represented on one of the six days. A pupil from your school might be lining out on All Ireland Semi Final day or All Ireland Final Day 2025.

Mini sevens - This year we are having a skills competition.
(Closing date) = Mini sevens entry form to be submitted online by Friday 18th October See below for links.

No late entries or entries not submitted online will be accepted. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED VIA THE ONLINE FORM (email will not be accepted). (one boy and one girl for each code only... ie a co- ed school can send 1 boy and 1 girl in each code, a girls school 1 girl and a boys school 1 boy) in each code
Remember this competition has age restrictions and will be strictly adhered to by the INTO.

Age Limit - -  Children To be born on or after  January 1st 2013

Links below

Mini Sevens Skills for 2024-2025 ß Click here


Mini Sevens Football Skills Challenge 2024-2025 ß Click here

Mini Sevens age Limits and Rules <--- Click Here  ß Click Here

Boys Football/Girls Football will be on Tuesday 26th November  in Páirc Ui Chaoimh We will have morning and early afternoon sessions. Times will be sent out to each school when we know numbers taking part (subject to change)

Children To be born on or after January 1st 2013.

Participants must be 12 or under on the year they might be participating In Croke Park

Hurling/Camogie Skills to be held in early 2025. Keep an eye on email for details

information available on the website

Please note photographs/videos are taken at all our events and may be uploaded to any or all social media platforms and newspapers

Dates to note in 2025 Also note our Annual Primary School Sports Quiz will be held in Rochestown Park Hotel on Wednesday 15th January 2025 from 4pm to 6pm. Teams of 4. Entry forms to be sent out shortly. (all 4 team participants must be from the same primary school)

Also we will be sending out entry forms for indoor hurling/camogie and Football which we will be running in January 2025 so keep an eye on emails

indoor hurling/camogie/Football January/February

Indoor Hurling week beginning 13th January

Indoor Camogie week beginning 20th Jan

Indoor Football week beginning 27th January

Indoor Girls Football week beginning 3rd February

Indoor Finals week beginning 3rd February

Quiz Wednesday 15th January 2025 



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