6 team games …. The deadline for finish of all games is Thursday May 1st4 games or more to be played before Easter1. Week Beginning 3rd March ...
The teams for Football Cork v Limerick on 5th April have been selected 2. those selected to play in the primary game hurling and camogie teams have been notified today...
Referees course on Wednesday 5th March in P Ui Rinn from 4.45 to 5.45pm4th March Mini Sevens camogie and hurling skills will take place Hurling and Camogie meeting...
All football nominees have now been informed of their selection dates and times.Primary Game Football, starting with the girls football on 24th and 26th Feb and the...
Hurling and Camogie meeting will take place in Supervalu, Páirc Uí Chaoimh on Thursday 27th Febriary at 7.30pm sharpif you have entered a team please have a...