Info - Rules - Code Of Conduct

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Football Rules

Code Of Conduct


Inter-schools competition has increased in size with up to 400 schools taking part. There is increased pressure on schools and teachers not only to compete but to win. Consequently we need firm guidelines for all schools and teachers regarding participa­tion and conduct both on the sidelines and on the playing field. Our games are for the benefit and pleasure of all those who take part. Any activity which takes from that pleasure is to be deplored. It is vital to all who participate and especially to teach­ers who are responsible for their pupils that the highest stan­dards of behaviour and conduct be achieved. 

  1. Teams taking part in Sciath na Scol competitions must be supervised by at least one teacher. This teacher should be fully aware of the standard of sportsmanship and behaviour expected. 
  2. Every teacher should emphasise healthy participation and enjoyment. 
  3. The positive demeanour and good example of teachers in the presence of pupils is essential. 
  4. Coarse or provocative language or comments should be avoided at all times. 
  5. The responsible teacher should inculcate in all players the standards of sportsmanship expected and reinforce these before the commencement of every competition. 
  6. The authority of the referee must be respected at all times. The designated teacher is charged with ultimate respon­sibility for his/her team's participation in Sciath na Scol competitions.


  1. Any harassment or booing of opposing teams is not to be permitted. 
  2. Coarse or abusive language is not allowed. 
  3. The decisions of referees, umpires and lines-people are to be accepted by all. 
  4. At the conclusion of games participants should shake hands with their immediate opponents and wish them well. The conduct of players, mentors or spectators must at no time bring the affairs of Sciath na Scol into disrepute.


If the designated teacher believes that a cause for grievance exists regarding the conduct of a game or competition, such a grievance should be conveyed in writing to the Runai of Coiste Sciath na Scol within 4 days of the alleged grievance.


If the Coiste of Sciath na Scol deems the provisions of this Code to have been breached, it may impose appropriate sanctions on the offending party/parties.


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